From October 1, 2023, Enhanza has migrated to our generation 2 platform. If you were already using Microsoft Power BI to connect to your data with Enhanza, you will need to modify your Power BI dataset slightly.
1. Create parameters
First create the two parameters workspaceId and project, both with type “Text”.
You find your unique workspaceId in your Enhanza Workspace.
For the project parameter, use “enhanza” as Current Value.
2. Update queries
For each table view, use Advance Editor to apply the new parameters. See example below for table dim_articles.
The former query for dim_articles below…
Source = GoogleBigQuery.Database(),
#"enhanza-elt" = Source{[Name="enhanza-elt"]}[Data],
fortnox_bi_Schema = #"enhanza-elt"{[Name="fortnox_bi",Kind="Schema"]}[Data],
dim_articles_View = fortnox_bi_Schema{[Name="dim_articles",Kind="View"]}[Data]
… should be replace with this query.
Source = GoogleBigQuery.Database(),
Project = project, // Replace hardcoded project with parameter
SchemaName = "fortnox_bi_" & workspaceId, // Replace hardcoded schema with parameterized one
ProjectData = Source{[Name=Project]}[Data],
SchemaData = ProjectData{[Name=SchemaName, Kind="Schema"]}[Data],
dim_articles_View = SchemaData{[Name="dim_articles",Kind="View"]}[Data]
Go over all tables and apply the same changes. Then click “Close & Apply”.
Done! Now you should be able to access your data from your new Enhanza Workspace.