Log in under another Service Account to Power BI

Sometimes you might need to show Enhanza data for a different workspace than you already worked with. If you follow our Connection Guide you will notice that PowerBI does not ask you for a Service Account for the second time and returns an error in data access instead.

The simplest way to do so is to go to File => Options and Settings => Data source settings => Data sources in current file => Google Big Query => Clear Permissions => Clear Permissions (or Clear All Permissions if you want to log out of all of your multiple sources)

If in any case this didn’t help, below is how to hard reset all your credentials using File Explorer.

PowerBI stores your login data in the program folder. To use new credentials you must first delete the old ones.

In your File explorer, go to C:\Users\ {your username here} \AppData\Local\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop\

Note that “AppData” folder is hidden by default. Here are two ways to locate it:

  1. When in your user folder, click Select View > Show > Hidden items.
  2. Or paste the path above directly into path bar, type your username and press Enter.

When in “Power BI Desktop” folder, go to Users.zip file, subfolder “Credentials” and file “Credentials.bin” inside. Simply delete it and restart your desktop application.

Then follow the guidelines from the Connection Guide and you will see you can log in once again.

You are free to repeat these steps next time you need to switch Service Account credentials.

You can also check the current credentials in Settings, go to File => Options and Settings => Data source settings => Data sources in current file => Google Big Query => Edit permissions => Credentials => Edit

Stay tuned and make your data work for you with Enhanza :slight_smile:

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Create article and explanation, @Kateryna_Gryshchenko!