How to establish connections between new tables

If you are reading this, you most likely already connected some new tables to your PowerBI report. Here is how to do it, in case you’ve missed it:

How to add an additional table to PowerBI

So, Enhanza’s dataset is all about data joined together for a comprehensive overview. Even though your Articles info and Invoices info are in separate tables, you can still easily cross them to get a relevant overview of sold articles.

In this example, I’ve added fact_salary table manually following the guide above. Now, I want to join it with CostCenters to add them to my analysis.

In your PowerBI report, go to the Table View on your left ribbon, then to the Manage relationships tab.

Click New…

In the first dropdown list, select your newly added endpoint. In this example, it’s fact_salary.
You will see a data preview (hidden from the screenshots for the sake of data security) and all available columns.
In the second dropdown list, select the already existing table dim_cost_centers.
In both previews, select CostCenterId column, it will become grey. Note - in Enhanza you will always find key columns named the same and with “…Id” at the end.
In Cardinality, select Many to one (*:1) option and press OK.

Close the List of relationships and go get explore the data you now have!

Stay on top of your data with Enhanza.